Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Getting what you want ….

I don’t know about you, but I have read so many articles lately about how to get what you want from others – there is the feeler, the sensor, the thinker, and the intuitor; the quick start, the fact finder, the follow thru and the implementer … the DISC of MBTI. I could go on and on … what I want to know is what ever happened to just ask nicely?

A smile and the word Please can get you pretty far along the path to getting whatever you are asking for. Did we somehow, somewhere forget about this magic word and the happy face? And after someone helps you with whatever you need, there is another magic set of words – Thank You. This will go a long way in ensuring that when you ask that person again, they are very willing to help out, just because you appreciated their previous efforts.

In the past 22 years, I have worked with and for every combination of personality and all of them respond very well to Please and Thank You. It is something we have known since about the age of 2 – when we really wanted that piece of candy or Sippy cup of sugary soda. Our parents and grandparents insisted we use good manners and ask nicely. What was it Grandma always said ‘you will get more with honey than with vinegar’.

So stop being a bunch of sour-pusses – SMILE and say Please and Thank you! You will be amazed at the overwhelming joy you will get in return. And isn’t that what we all want?