Monday, August 25, 2008

Keeping it Simple

Our lives, our jobs, our families: why does everything have to be so complicated? It is a serious question we need to ask ourselves on a regular basis. Complications happen and when they are added to an already complicated process – well, chaos prevails.

Here are 5 things to keep in mind as you plan your week:

Schedule – being proactive with schedule is vital to a well run organization – whether it is a household or a corporation. Jam packing your schedule to the degree that there is no time for the unforeseen creates enormous problems for us and the people depending on us.

Required tasks vs. want to tasks – putting first things first is vital to success. When conflicts in the schedule arise, prioritization is necessary and the realization that some things just may not get done. Ask yourself, what is the worst thing that can happen if something doesn’t get done? That answer is usually a lot less traumatic than the stress, strain and physical illness produced worrying about it getting done.

Divide and conquer – creative cooperation is necessary in any personal or professional relationship. There are times when you absolutely must depend on someone else to get things done without your assistance and oversight. When you plan with some up-front creativity, typically activities go off without a hitch.

Listen – to understand what is needed it is important to listen. There are five levels of listening – the first four: ignoring what is being said, pretending to listen, selective listening and attentive listening. Most of us are stuck somewhere between selective listening and attentive listening and never reach the fifth level of empathetic listening – listening with the intent to understand, to really understand. Many times what appears to be a request is just someone telling you what they are doing and why – not what to do and how.

Renew – health and wellbeing are essential. Your most valued asset is YOU. Endurance or the ability to move through your week in a state of wellbeing is powered by the physical, mental, social and spiritual dimensions of our lives. Taking time to renew physically involves some form of movement or exercise. Renewing mentally is achieved by challenging our thoughts with new ideas found in books, lectures or discussions with others. Spiritual well-being is maintained through meditation, prayer and/or gratitude. The Social aspect is remembering to have some fun!

So does everything have to be so complicated? Not with a little work and effort up front. It is best to never underestimate the value of keeping it simple.

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