Sunday, November 30, 2008

RESULTS ... start getting some today!

We all have a list of items we want to accomplish – lose weight, find a better job, get promoted, increase revenue and margin. But many times while we can state the result we want, we stop and commit no action or effort to achieving it. Why is this? Sometimes it is overwhelming. We don’t know where to start. What to do first and if we know what to do first, maybe we are stuck on what to do next. So it is time to get SMART about getting results.
We all know writing something down and seeing it on a daily basis keeps us focused. Here's how to start and make your goals SMART.

Specific: Ask yourself questions like: How much weight do I want to lose? What kind of job/promotion do I want? How much do I want to increase revenue and margin? Be painstakingly specific. It has been proven that the more specific your goal is the more likely you are to achieve it.

Measurable: You've got to be able to measure your results. It could be in pounds or the acquisition of skills to reach the next level on the career ladder or dollars and percentages. The key is that you need to be able to quantify and measure your progress.

Attainable: Setting unattainable goals simply sets you up for failure. If you have a major goal then break it down into small attainable goals. As you achieve each smaller goal you will reinforce your progress and ultimately get the results desired.

Realistic: This step is all about knowing yourself. What type of actions would you realistically stick with? Look honestly at your abilities, current commitments and how additional activities will fit into your already busy day; but don't underestimate yourself either. You'll need to push yourself to achieve your goal.

Timely: Every great goal is set on a timeline. Keeping the above steps in mind, give yourself an exact date and time that your goal or sub-goal needs to be accomplished by.

Now it's time to get to work. Write down your SMART goal and place it somewhere that you see often then tell three people of importance in your life about your goal. Have the focus and the drive to pursue your SMART goal, just like the Olympians, and go make yourself proud!

I love nothing more than seeing my clients achieve their goals. Contact me today to get started on a coaching program that is specific to your goal.

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